New Horizons in Soil Science
New Horizons in Soil Science is an in-house publication featuring articles covering a wide variety of soil fertility and crop production and management topics.
- Economics of managing nitrogen for sweet corn (NHSS Issue 12-01, Ruark)
- Considerations for cover crops in 2012 (NHSS Issue 12-02, Ruark)
- Soil erosion concerns after silage harvest (NHSS Issue 12-03, Arriaga)
- Radish as a cover top (NHSS Issue 11-01, Ruark)
- Considerations for zinc (Zn) applications (NHSS Issue 11-02, Ruark)
- Nitrogen management options for water logged fields (NHSS Issue 11-03, Ruark)
- MicroSPEC: A decision philosophy for managing micronutrients (NHSS Issue 11-04, Ruark)
- Influence of crop rotation and nitrogen fertilizer on oat yield (NHSS Issue 11-05, Ruark)
- The economics of soil testing (NHSS 11-06, Ruark)
- Sweet corn response to nitrogen fertilizer in Wisconsin’s central sands (NHSS Issue 11-07, Ruark)
- Diagnosing nutrient deficiencies in vegetable crops (NHSS Issue 11-08, Ruark)
- Considerations for late season UAN applications (NHSS Issue 11-09, Ruark)
- Manure analysis update: 1998-2010
- Wisconsin soil test summary: 2005-2009
- Using flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum in Wisconsin
- Land applying municipal biosolids in Wisconsin
- Nutrient management considerations in a high-cost environment
- Subsurface drains: principals and practice
- Using strip-tillage as an option for row crop production in Wisconsin
- What’s new with manure: long term trends
- Tillage effects on nutrient stratification and soil test recommendations
- Tillage considerations for first-year corn after soybean
- Determining optimum nitrogen application rates for corn
- New nitrogen rate guidelines for corn in Wisconsin using a regional approach
- Soil quality and crop production systems
- Wisconsin soil test summary: 2000-2004
- Fall vs. spring liming: what is the better choice?
- Foliar fertilization of soybeans
- Terminology used for reporting lime recommendations
- Tillage management for manured cropland
- Identifying and managing compaction in field crop production
- Dairy herd expansion and modernization options available at UW-FARM
- Determining biosolid application rates
- Effectiveness of filter strips for nutrient removal
- New and improved diagnostic services
- Phosphorus management on high phosphorus soils
- Sulfur responses and the Wisconsin alfalfa sulfur survey
- Plant analysis interpretations used in the revised Wisconsin program
- Is fall tillage following soybean harvest necessary?
- Listing of “certified” Wisconsin agronomists
- Phosphorus feeding strategies for dairy: effets on manure P and P cycles
- Using plant analysis as a diagnostic tool
- Soil erosion and productivity
- Soil management and K availability
- Strip tillage