Published Materials
Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable, and Fruit Crops in Wisconsin (UWEX A2809)
Nitrogen Management of Sandy Soils (UWEX A3634)
Understanding Plant Nutrients (UWEX A2519)
Articles, Papers & Presentations
New Rate Guidelines for Corn 2010
Economic of Weed Control and Nitrogen Rate Decisions for Corn
Nitrogen management options for water logged fields (NHSS Issue 11-03, Ruark)
New N rate Guidelines for Corn
Approaches to N Recommendations in the North Central Region
Nitrogen and Nitrogen Management
Nitrogen Management – Rates and Economics
Balancing Fertilizer and Organic N Sources
Post Emergence N Applications to Corn
How Can We Reduce Volatilization Losses
Nitrogen Efficiency and Fall N Applications
Reacting to High Nitrogen Costs and Limited Supplies
Managing Urea-Containing Fertilizers