2021 Sweet Corn Seedcorn Maggot Management Trial, Arlington, Wisconsin USA
- Department of Entomology, UW Madison
Project Media
Objective: Evaluate the efficacy of five different at-plant insecticide treatments on two different sweet corn hybrids for control of seedcorn maggot (DIPTERA: Delia platura).
Experimental design: This trial was conducted at the University of Wisconsin’s Arlington Agricultural Research Station, located 3 miles southeast of Arlington, WI, on a silt loam soil in 2021. Two separate plantings were established intended to evaluate efficacy against the second and third generation of the seedcorn maggot lifecycle, respectively. The second generation planting was established on May 26, 2021, at coordinates 43.316713, -89.335280, while the third generation planting was established Jun 23, 2021, at coordinates 43.317012, -89.333932. Each planting measured 120 ft. wide by 135 ft long, containing four replicates of 12 adjacent 10 ft (4 rows on 30 in. spacing) by 30 ft long plots, with 5 ft of unplanted space along rows separating replicates. Seed was planted using a 2-row planter equipped with a cone feeder. Each 30 ft. row received 45 seeds, for an approximate seed spacing of 8 in.