Changes to Wisconsin Pesticide, Fertilizer and Feed Licensing Fee Structure
- Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection
Project Media
The recently signed 2017-19 state budget contained changes to the fee structure for
Wisconsin’s pesticide, fertilizer and feed licensing fees and structure. These changes
result from the RevEx project, DATCP’s Bureau of Agrichemical Management’s
outreach effort to representatives from regulated agribusinesses with the goal of
aligning the Bureau’s revenues and expenditures to be more fair, efficient and
effective. Changes include a fee holiday for the ACCP surcharge, meaning it will not
be assessed in 2018for the 2018 license year (dates vary). The surcharge holiday will
be extended if the ACCP Fund balance on May 1 exceeds $1.5 million. and probably
for several years beyond. License years have been adjusted in a few cases as well.
This is a summary of the changes. More detailed information is available online at