Cover Crop Lessons from the Field
- Nutrient and Pest Management Program, UW Madison
Project Media
The 2020-2021 cropping season provided some unique opportunities and challenges for cover crop incorporation into Wisconsin cropping systems. 2020 fall field conditions led to early crop harvest and cover crop establishment. This provided an opportunity for good fall growth and spring biomass production. A tremendous amount of biomass was observed from winter rye in late spring 2021. Spring crop planting conditions were challenging; dry soils, lack of rainfall, late spring frost, and on cover crop acres, tremendous biomass, created a perfect storm for challenging corn and soybean establishment. Fields were planted and, in some cases, re-planted in challenging conditions. Many issues observed in the field can be attributed to changes in anticipated conditions, but many could have been resolved with more planning. Cover crop termination plans/goals, planter set-up, down-pressure, closing wheels, and maintenance all contributed to field success and failures when planting into the greater than normal cover crop biomass accumulations. Throughout summer, cover crop biomass provided excellent weed control and help preserve moisture. With many areas of Wisconsin receiving less than normal precipitation, moisture management was going to be a key to retaining average crop yields. The lack of timely rains challenged cover crop interseeding and summer weed management program relying on residual chemistry. Late summer brought many late emerging weeds, especially waterhemp and fields with cover crop biomass helped hold off the germinating weeds. Fall conditions were ok for cover crop establishment although soil conditions remained dry in early fall. Early-November provided an excellent window for cover crop establishment. Moving into spring of 2022 keep an eye on snow cover, precipitation levels, and have a plan to terminate cover crops when appropriate. Take time to review planter maintenance, set-up and new techniques and technologies for implementing diverse crop rotations.
Further Information:
Cover Crops in Wisconsin
Nutrient and Pest Management Program Cover Crop Resources
Cover Crops 101: A4176 University of Wisconsin Publication