Agronomic Advantages and Benefits of Soybean Seed Treatments
- The Ohio State University, Department of Entomology
- University of Wisconsin, Department of Agronomy
- University of Wisconsin, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Project Media
The use of insecticidal seed treatments containing neonicotinoids has become extremely widespread in field crops. Often these products are used as a default at planting, without specific reference to an insect pest problem requiring management. This talk summarizes a two-year, checkoff-funded multistate study aimed at understanding the average value and return on investment of neonicotinoid seed treatment in soybean in the North Central Region, including a comparison to the return on investment with the classic Integrated Pest Management approach of scouting and applying a foliar product at pest threshold. In summary, IPM provides both a greater probability of a positive return on investment, and a larger average return.