Integrating 2,4-D and Dicamba Resistant Soybean Into Wisconsin Cropping Systems
- UW-Madison
Project Media
Glyphosate resistant crops, first released in 1996, have been the most rapidly adopted agriculture technology by the farming community in the U.S. The technology was rapidly adopted because weed management systems were drastically simplified. Weed management was simplified because glyphosate is a highly efficacious, non-selective postemergence herbicide for control of annual and perennial weed species, and when used in conjunction with glyphosate-resistant crops, a high-level of crop safety was ensured. Additionally, glyphosate is also safer for the environment, safer for humans and animals, cheaper, and slower to develop resistance in comparison to many other herbicide options. All of those reasons have contributed to make glyphosate an herbicide that growers and applicators prefer to use.