Let’s talk: Using fungicides on corn and soybeans and how to maximize ROI
- Department of Plant Pathology, UW Madison
Project Media
Fungicide use on corn and soybeans has increased dramatically since the turn of the 21st century.
This is partially due to the increased labeling of fungicides for use on those crops, along with
significant epidemics of yield-reducing diseases in recent years, combined with physiological
influences that some of these products have on agronomic crops in the absence of disease. The
decision to apply a fungicide to corn and soybeans can be a complicated one. Farmers and
practitioners must balance the impending risk a disease might pose to a crop, the possibility of
fungicide resistance development in a particular pathogen if using a fungicide, the efficacy of a
particular product on a particular pathogen, and the return on investment (ROI) potential for a
particular program.