Managing for Manure Consistency in Application
- Biological Systems Engineering Department
Project Media
Land application of manure is the most common end product use in Wisconsin and throughout the nation. Application of manure provides the necessary nutrients for crop production and provides organic matter essential to soil health. When applied correctly manure serves as a beneficial soil amendment and fertilizer, however when over applied, manure can be the cause of substantial environmental consequences. Therefore, management of manure applications if critical to limit negative environmental impacts. Application rates play a key role in accurately applying manure. Unfortunately, the variability in manure and lack of process controls makes accurate application difficult. Key practices in frequency and methods of sampling, agitation, and application equipment can minimize the variation in manure consistency reducing the chance for over application. Recent and previous research has shown the importance of manure management practices during agitation and application and how they can effectively be used to reduce environmental impact while increasing crop yields due to accurate application.