Pest Management Options In Processing Snap Beans
Project Media
Effective, economical, and efficient season-long management of key insect pest species in commercial, succulent snap bean continues to be a challenge for many locales in the Midwest. Much of the processing snap bean crop in the upper Midwest is now treated with an at-plant, seed treatment including thiamethoxam, (Cruiser® 5FS). This prophylactic approach is designed to mitigate risk of damage by both seed corn maggot (SCM), Delia platura, and the potato leafhopper (PLH), Empoasca fabae. Cruiser applied at the labeled rates of 1.28 fl oz / 100 lb of seed, has been demonstrated to protect the crop from the early season seed maggot pressure as well as the damage resulting from immigrant potato leafhopper populations for nearly 50 days. Unfortunately, the Cruiser seed treatments will not protect the crop against infestation by the European corn borer. As a result, if degree day accumulations are favorable for a flight of European corn borer at a vulnerable stage of snap bean development (e.g. flowering to pin bean stage), a foliar spray of insecticide continues to be warranted. The current project proposes to continue with these evaluations and compare an experimental and a commercially registered anthranilic diamide, cyazypyr (HGW86 20SC), and rynaxypyr (Coragen® 1.67SC), respectively, as both in-furrow and seed treatment applications for the control of European corn borer in succulent snap beans.