Real-Time Nutrient Sensing for Precision Manure Application
- Biological Systems Engineering UW Madison
- Crop and Soil Science UW Platteville
Project Media
Current manure application practices require nutrient analysis procedures that can lead to significant variation in manure nutrient application. Many time manure samples are not timely, where samples are commonly obtained during application and analyzed at the laboratory using wet chemistry methods that provide results after application. This methodology only allows for updating maps and nutrient management plans to reflect the actual nutrient application rates and does not allow for adjustments during application. In addition, composite or limited samples are collected and analyzed which are used to represent the manure characteristics of an entire manure storage. These practices lead to inaccurate accounting of the manure nutrients applied to a field. This can result in yield reductions if under-applied or loss of valuable nutrients leading to negative environmental consequences if over applied. This project aims to assess the utility of a NIR nutrient prediction sensor using laboratory and fields methods to determine nutrient characteristics during application and vary the rate of manure to improve accuracy of manure nutrient applications. Data presented will show the variation in manure nutrient concentration from manure storages, variation in laboratory nutrient measurements, ability of a laboratory NIR system to measure manure nutrient concentrations, and the nutrient application rates measured in the field from a manure spreader equipped with an NIR sensor system and flow meter.