Wisconsin waterhemp and dicamba research and stakeholder survey
- UW-Madison
Project Media
Waterhemp and giant ragweed, respectively, are currently ranked by stakeholders
as the most troublesome weed species in corn and soybean production in
Wisconsin (Zimbric et al., 2018; Werle and Oliveira, 2018). Due to widespread
occurrence of resistance to glyphosate, PPO- and ALS-inhibitors in waterhemp
populations across the state accompanied by the shortage of effective POSTemergence
herbicide options in conventional and RR2Yield soybean systems, the use
of effective PRE-emergence herbicide programs becomes imperative and the
adoption of novel herbicide tolerance traits, such as Xtend (dicamba tolerance) or
Liberty Link (glufosinate tolerance), appealing for providing additional effective
POST-emergence weed control options.